Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Global War on Terror

global war on terror, global war on terror, global war on terror, global war on terror, global war on terror. Better get that phrase out of your system. Democrats are now banning that phrase from their reports and budgets. Nothing political mind you (Democrats are too pure to make anything political....) they just want to avoid catch phrases in their reports/budgets, etc. Oh how nice of them. Because we were getting so tired of catch phrases. As long as it's not political... it should be ok. I'm glad the Dems are very sensitive to our needs and I'm glad they clarified that this move is not political in any way, shape or form.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hey, Mike, Happy Birthday Eve! I', heading to IF tomorrow and don't know if I'll get to the computer, so have a great 30th birthday. :)