Friday, May 08, 2009


Page and I headed to Yellowstone National Park the first weekend the road opened to Old Faithful. We pull into the parking lot and we see through the trees that it is going off. Ugh. Would have to wait 90 minutes for the next eruption. Can you see the geyser through the trees?

Here is some geyser water making its way down to the river. I love this shot.

We saw some Big Horn Sheep leaving Gardiner for Livingston.

We always see Elk around Mammoth Hot Springs.

Buffalo, Buffalo ! We saw lots of bison in the park. We also saw a wolf. Too far away to take a good picture of it, but we had binoculars and it was awesome.

Page at Old Faithful

We came up over the ridge and saw this beautiful winter wonderland.

Right inbetween Hot and Cold

Everytime the kids see this rock formation, we call it a Nephite fortress.

and the kids call this place, "big rock in middle of river" .
We had a great day together in Yellowstone. It is one of my most favorite places in the world.

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