Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Rooting for the Enemy

Is it me, or does the left in this country seem to be rooting for the enemy? Howard Dean says we cannot win the war, John Kerry says our boys are terrorizing women and children in Iraq. This is really getting to be too much. Leibermann has been trying to get the Democrats to tone it down and speak up about what we are doing in Iraq, but you don't hear much about his efforts in the press. I heard that there was a poll just taken in Iraq and 71% are excited about their futures. I bet the elections this week will have more people voting for democracy than we get out in our country (percentage wise). Re-enlistment is higher than ever in our military. Iraqi lives are getting better. I don't hear a lot about the good. Do you? It really makes me mad that the press and many of the far left keeps pounding all the negatives. I'm not against them reporting bad news, but they need to be fair and balanced and start reporting the progress too. I believe there is progress. Poor President Bush has been running all over the country trying to get the news out himself. I am so thankful he is our President and not Gore or Kerry. I want to do something for the troops this Christmas. I need to look into that.

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